Jack Ledger, Realtor

(717) 473-3687 fax
(717)602-7791 cell phone
[email protected]

747 Middletown Road
Hummelstown Pa., 17036

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Jack, a native Pennsylvanian, was born in western PA and grew up in a rural country setting in central PA. From a young age, Jack worked on farms and in the family business of home building. In fact, Jack comes from a line of three generations of builders and real estate professionals. His father, John M. Ledger, was a builder/real estate broker for decades in the Harrisburg area. Jack has a variety of interests including refurbishing vintage motorcycles, kayaking and fishing on the Susquehanna, cooking gourmet meals, performing Shakespearean plays with a local theatre company and singing lead vocals with his high school reunion band.

Jack has an extensive knowledge and skill base in construction and home building. He specializes in fine carpentry and cabinetry. He learned the carpentry trade from his father, as well as a three year apprenticeship under master carpenters in the suburbs of New York City. During his apprenticeship, Jack lived in New Jersey and also trained as a Japanese style teppan chef at Benihana of Short Hills, NJ. Jack transferred to Philadelphia for a few years as a chef and carpenter before relocating to Miami, FL, where he worked in the restaurant/hospitality industry.

Ultimately, Jack chose to return home to central PA to start a home building business with his father. They built spec and custom homes together for nearly 15 years before Jack decided to start his own construction business. Jack brings to Protus Realty, 30+ years of building experience and a strong background in marketing and sales. He has an engaging personality, is an assertive negotiator and is dedicated to making your property buying and selling experience as seamless as possible. (As a bonus, you get Kimberly working on your behalf as part of my team!)

Jack Ledger 's Listings
Beds: 2
Baths: 1
Sq. Ft.: 840
Beds: 2
Baths: 1 | 1
Sq. Ft.: 1,098
$1,375,000 (Pending)
Sq. Ft.: 19,862
Type: Commercial